Middle managers are responsible for leading around 80% of the workforce. Yet they typically get little or no formal training on how to do it. Nor are they given any strategic tools to help them navigate their challenging position. They are promoted through the ranks and expected to lead their teams effectively while dealing with constant changes, lack of clarity from the top, peer competition, or disengaged - even toxic - direct reports. All this leads to overwhelming stress, burnout, and poor team productivity.
If this seems familiar, watch the video below and read on to find out how this course can help you lead from the middle with less stress and stronger team alignment!

Gain Confidence
You will be able to confidently and persuasively explain how valuable though sometimes overlooked middle managers are. You will start feeling confident about the meaningful changes that are within your power to bring to the workplace.
Achieve Mastery
You will start applying the practical behaviours that will turn you into the middle leader everybody will go to, regardless of their place in workplace hierarchy. Practice them until they become who you are and how you are known.
Implement Your Own Path
Finally, you will articulate your own middle leadership vision and design a strategic path to achieving it. You will then begin implementing it step by step, creating hope, trust, stability and alignment within your team and the workplace.
What you will get for your money:
- Lifetime access to the course, to complete at your own pace
- Exercise files and worksheets to accompany you on your journey of becoming the leader you are meant to be
- A Live Q&A session every month
- Discounted one-on-one coaching if you want me to personally guide you on your journey
- 30-day Money Back Guarantee, no questions asked
Please note that the Money Back Guarantee goes into effect from the moment you have purchased the incomplete pre-sale course. I therefore highly recommend that you:
- go through the entire course page
- go through the whole Middle Manager Magic Academy homepage
- make sure that you resonate with my approach and style
- make sure the transformation promised meets your needs
If any doubts, please do not hesitate to contact me directly for further questions: [email protected].
Because I have been in your shoes for the last 19 years.
It all started in August 2002. My then boss: 'Would you consider going to India to start a magazine?' My reply: 'Hell yeah!'
A month later, I was in a small town in the south of India, having designed from scratch and now running a small monthly magazine written by young foreigners for locals. 24 years old, first time on a plane, first time out of my own country. Teaching young Americans, Brits, and other Europeans how to be journalists while managing several translators and a local reporter twice my age. I LOVED it!
Then came Ghana, 2 years later. Country Director no less. Managing offices in 3 regions of the country, a total of 20 staff, with a deputy twice my age (in fact, I called him 'uncle') and ultimately responsible for the fate of around 300 foreign travelers per year.
Dozens more countries followed, hundreds of bosses, peers and direct reports, thousands of clients of more than 40 nationalities. Failures, lessons, stress, and so many cool projects and adventures. I LOVED it all!
Then a while ago, my then-manager tells me during the annual review: 'Your direct reports said that because of your coaching management style they feel empowered, trusted, and supported.'
First I wondered what this coaching management thing was and how exactly I was doing it. Then I became a certified coach, and started putting together, testing and refining a step-by-step strategic coaching approach to leadership as a middle manager. This course is it!
This IS for you if:
- You think you are a great manager and leader but have a nagging feeling deep down that something is not quite right and want to make a change
- You feel overwhelmed and stressed out by pressure from all sides, but you have no idea what to do about it
- You have heard or read about ways to be a better leader as a middle manager, but are not sure which would be a best fit for you
- You believe a coaching approach is exactly what you need, but do not know how or cannot afford thousands to become a certified coach
- You have coaching training, but lack a clear strategic guiding tool to implement coaching principles in your day to day work
- You are a CEO / Director / Business owner and would like to get the best out of your middle managers
This is NOT for you if:if:
- You are a micro-manager and think it's ok to control and boss people around
- You believe you are indispensable and nothing can work without you
- You don't give chances to your direct reports, nor give them credit for their wins
- You blame your direct reports or anyone else but yourself when things go wrong and take the credit when they go well
- You are afraid to fight for your team when you feel it is the right thing to do
- You don't care about the motivation or growth of your team members
HOWEVER, read on if you are any or all of the above, but WANT to CHANGE!
Here's what others have to say!
Gishan Perera
Country Director at Projects Abroad Sri Lanka
'The effectiveness of any study course or training programme greatly depend on the ability of the trainer to make the CONNECTION with the learner and what is being trained/taught. This same connection will make sure the learner will take home and apply in their lives the lessons learned more than someone sitting in a top-level theory class of the same subject.
Mircea possesses the ability to CONNECT anything he teaches to his students. I was lucky to participate in workshops such as Stress management, Motivation & Team building. Apart from that, Mircea also conducted many online courses for the staff in Sri Lanka, in which I noticed the same effectiveness. I think the most credit for success goes to his ability to design and deliver the programme by sensing the human qualities and traits as opposed to depending on theories and procedures.
The beauty of Mircea’s management and training styles is that he easily establishes the basics/principles of the subject with sound reasoning behind and then drives us to digest it with our own version supported by critical thinking & possible application. This ability will exceed any cultural, social or language barrier as I know he has successfully completed similar programmes in many countries.'
Nicoleta Dima
HR Business Partner at Dmatrix Soft
'Mircea is a unique professional with clear insight, intelligence, and interpersonal warmth. He is well versed in business process management and business strategy and he has practical ideas to improve management performance.
His comprehensive knowledge about the multicultural business environment along with his experience of over 18 years of multi-country operations and consulting work make him stand out as such a qualified professional. I enjoyed working with Mircea very much. He provided the right balance of guidance, planning, goal setting, and follow up. He has been an excellent ongoing resource for my career development, and we have built a very valuable relationship.
I would highly recommend his professional services to anyone who is looking to develop their professional and personal life that is in line with their values and goals.'
Will Pashley
Regional Sales Director Asia at Projects Abroad
'I worked with Mircea for over 10 years within the same international travel group. Mircea's role over the years evolved into probably the most diverse set of responsibilities within the organisation. In every role he has demonstrated a commitment to excellence in service and to doing his job to the very best of his abilities, always a helpful colleague who is honest and empathetic.
Mircea's personal qualities shine through in every role he plays - a person always interested in the welfare of others, always curious about the world, eager to learn, to try new things and to apply his creativity and intelligence to new projects while never taking his eye off other responsibilities. He is an asset to any workplace, taking on many responsibilities and always working with humility, empathy and a zest for life.'
Karishma Nandan
Project Coordinator Fiji at Australian Volunteers International
'One of the key characteristics which make Mircea a unique individual is his unique and unbiased perspective of situations. His natural instinct is to coach and mentor people and he guides individuals to realize their management and leadership potentials. He is also a chameleon and can fit into any culture due to his extensive understanding of people and cultures.
He the company's E-learning Hub whereby he developed training for volunteers regarding cultural expectations. In addition, he developed similar training for staff who dealt with foreigners daily.
It has been a pleasure working with Mircea and we remain friends despite the geographical isolation with my being in Fiji and him in Romania.'
Alina Ursu
Educator | TEDx Speaker
'Greetings to people around the world!
Today I feel I can offer some feedback for the workshop I had the privilege of attending.
Thank you, Mircea, for the experience I had! It was a MOMENTUM. I managed to understand that I CAN and that it is time to get to work. This with the tools I gained: trust, teamwork, courage and honesty. Thank you!'
Laurens Vos
All-round manager in the fields of Marketing, Communication & Sales
'Mircea is the kind of person you trust and like immediately. Although we were in different countries he was always a reliable factor, whatever the occasion. He is a great communicator, an insightful leader and a wonderful human being. He is knowledgeable and I trust that whatever he will do, he will do it with all he has and a smile.
I only heard good things about Mircea, throughout the entire organization. He knows how to talk to everyone on every level, what is really remarkable. I always felt comfortable around him, especially when I had the privilege to visit him in Romania. He did everything he could to show me the best time while being there with him. I even had the change to meet his lovely family.'
Nisa Ebrahim
Product Head for Risk Management, SVP and Cargo Insurance – MEA
'I have found Mircea to be a loyal and a determined trainer. He has embraced being a trainer as his passion.
After the session, I felt that I was capable to practice all the skills that were demonstrated during the workshop. I felt comfortable to confidently execute a workshop on my own. Mircea can be described as a reliable, committed and goal oriented individual. In my opinion, Mircea has met the objective in communicating a process flow that will conclude in participants successfully executing and concluding their training tasks.
Mircea’s strong leadership skills in observing and listening are to be admired. His humble demeanor with sound knowledge on the subject matter and execution of it together with his “can do” attitude are my Key Take Aways from the training.'
Example Curriculum
- The Leadership Choices
- Give chances and get out of the way!
- Pay attention = compassion Gallup!
- Stop judging, start asking
- Stop giving unsolicited advice
- Create a safe space for failure
- Give credit, take the blame!
- Do WELL first, FAST after!
- DO right, don't BE right!
- Put yourself out of a job: sustainable leadership!
- Make yourself useful!
- Be humble; ask for help!
- How to manage your manager
- Wrap up